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Hossein Atrak

Hossein Atrak
Associate professor

atrak.h@znu.ac.ir      atrakhossein@gmail.com

      +98 (0) 24 3305 4183
   +98 (0) 24 3228 3201
Room 333, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, P.O.Box 38791-45371 , Zanjan, IRAN


Hossein Atrak   

Permanent Address: University of Zanjan, University Blvd., Zanjan, I. R. Iran

Postal code: 45371-38791  

Contact No:  Telephone: +98 (24) 33054183  

    Email address: Atrak.h@znu.ac.ir  / Atrakhossein@gmail.com

Home Page: http://www.znu.ac.ir/members/atrak_hossein/en

Academic Background

Ph.D., Comparative Philosophy (Islamic and Western Philosophy), University of Qom, Qom, Iran.

Dissertation Title: A Comparative study on Kant's, Ross's and Abd Al-Jabbar's Ethical Deontology  (2003-2008)

Master of Arts, Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Qom, Qom, Iran

Thesis Title: The Moderation Theory in Islamic Ethics (2001-2003)

Bachelor of Arts, Islamic Theology

Islamic Seminary of Qom, Qom, Iran (1995-2000)

Current Academic Position

Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities,

University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran (2008 - Present)



1. Kant’s Ethical Deontology, Published by: Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy, 2013 (Published in Farsi).

2. Moderation Theory in Islamic Ethics, Published by: Publishing Organization of Islamic Culture and Thought, 2015 (Published in Farsi).

3. A Critical Study of the Infallibility of Prophets in Shiite Theology, 2018 (unpublished).



       Articles in Applied Ethics:

  1. An Argument in Defense of Voluntary Euthanasia. The Journal of Philosophical Investigations, Vol. 13/ Issue. 28/ Fall 2019, pp. 221-234.
  2. Intention Involvement in the Nature of Plagiarism, International Journal of Ethics & Society (IJES) Vol. 2, No. 1 (2019).
  3. The Ethics of Research: the Nature of Self-Plagiarism. International Journal of Ethics and Society, Vol. 13/ Issue. 2/ Summer 2018, pp. 1-10.
  4. The Nature of Plagiarism in Research Ethics. International Journal of Ethics and Society, Vol. 12/ Issue. 3/ Fall 2017, pp. 9-18.
  5. The Meaning of White Lie in Islamic Ethics, The Journal of Philosophical Investigations, Vol. 7, No. 12, Spring and Summer 2013.
  6. The Definitions of Justice in Islamic Ethics, Naqd va Nazar, The Quarterly Journal of Philosophy and Theology, Vol.18, No. 1, Spring 2013.
  7. Global Justice in Imam Khomeini's Thought, Alireza Daneshyar, Hossein Atrak, Islamic Revolution Studies, Vo. 8, No. 27, Winter 2012.
  8. The Nature and Moral Judgment of Spying, Marifat-i Akhlaqi, An Academic Semiannual on ethical Knowledge, Volume 4, No.2, 2013.
  9. Driving Ethics, Marifat-i Akhlaqi, An Academic Semiannual on Ethical Knowledge, Volume 2, No.2, 2011.
  10. The Nature of Dissimulation and its Moral Judgment, Ma'rifat-I Akhlaqi, A Quarterly Journal of Ethical Knowledge, Vol. 1, No. 4, Fall 2010.
  11. Toward a Definition for Lying, an Islamic Perspective, Ayeneh Ma'refat, Research Journal of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, vol. 7, No.20, Autumn 2009.
  12. The Etiquette of Banquet in the view of Islamic Traditions, Marifat-i Akhlaqi, An Academic Semiannual on Ethical Knowledge, Vol. 3, No.4, Winter and Spring 2012-13.
  13. An Analysis of Backbiting in Islamic Ethics, The Research Quarterly in Islamic Ethics, Volume 9, Number 34 (Winter 2017).  


Articles in Normative Ethics

  1. The Source of Moral Obligations in Christine Korsgaard’s View, Hossein Atrak, Naqd va Nazar, Volume 22, Issue 85, Summer 2017.
  2. Christine Korsgaard’s Constructivism. The Journal of Philosophical Investigations, Volume 12, Issue 25, Winter, 2018.
  3. The Semantics of "Good" in Nowell-Smith's Thought, Hossein Atrak, Shabnam Safari, Naqd va Nazar, Volume 21, Issue 82, Autumn 2016.
  4. A Survey and Critique of the Doctrine of the Mean in Islamic Ethics, Hossein Atrak, Maryam Khoshdel Rohani, , Ayeneh Ma'refat, Research Journal of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Vol. 14, No.38, Spring 2014.
  5. The Principle of the Golden Mean and its Historical Turning Points in the Word of Islam, Mohsen Jahed, Hossein Atrak, Quarterly Journal of History of Philosophy, Vol. 3, No. 2, December 2012.
  6. The Criterion of Right and Wrong in Actions, (a section of book) in: Innovation and Religious Studies, ed. Abdolmajid Moballeghi, Research and Scientific Cooperation Office, Academic of Islamic Sciences and Culture, 2013.
  7. Some Unwarranted Interpretations of Aristotle’s Moderation Rule, Ayeneh Ma'refat, Research Journal of Islamic Philosophy and Theology,  vol. 12, No.34, Spring 2013.
  8. An Analysis of Concept of Prima Facie Duty in David Ross’s Ethics, Marifat-i Akhlaqi, An Academic Semiannual on Ethical Knowledge, Volume 3, No.2, 2012.
  9. A New Version of Consequential Deontology, The Quarterly Journal Philosophical Meditation, Vol. 3, No.9, Spring 2013.
  10. A Critical Look at Kant's Ethics, Islamic Studies, Islamic Philosophy and Theology (Kalam), The Research Journal of Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Issue 85.2, Autumn and Winter 2010-2011.
  11. Some Noticeable Misunderstandings of Kant' Ethics, Ethical Research, The Quarterly Academic Journal of University of Qom, Vol. 1 , No. 2, Winter 2011.
  12. An Explanation and Analysis of Concept of Obligation in Kant's Ethical Theory, Naqd va Nazar, The Quarterly Journal of Philosophy and Theology, Vol.14, No. 4, pp. 36-61, Spring 2009.
  13. Ethical Deontology, Iranian Journal of Ethics in Science and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1-2, 2009.
  14. Ethical Utilitarianism, Naqd va Nazar, Vol.10, No.1-2, pp. 264-300, Spring and Summer 2007.
  15. Muhsen Fani Kashmiri's Innovations in the Theory of Moderation, Marifat-i Akhlaqi, An Academicc Semianul on ethical Knowledge, Volume 4, No.2, 2013.
  16. Avicenna's Ethical Virtue, Pazhuhesh Nameh-e Akhlag, A Research Quarterly of Islamic Ethics, Vol. 7, No. 24, Summer 2014.
  17. Tusi's Innovations in the Theory of Moderation, The Quarterly Journal of History of Philosophy, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 2014.
  18. Mulla Sadra's Ethical Theory, Ayeneh Ma'refat, Research Journal of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Vol. 14, No.39, Summer 2014.
  19. Ethical Deontology of Ghazi Abd A-Jabbar Mu'tazilite, Pazhuhesh Nameh-e Akhlag, A Research Quarterly of Islamic Ethics, Vol. 3, No. 9, summer 2010.
  20. The Influence of Alternative medicine on Islamic ethics, Hossin Attrak, Shahla Atrak , Maryam Mollabakhshi, Iranian Journal of Medical Ethics and history of Medicine, Volume 3, Number 3, 2010.
  21. Ghazali's Theory of Mean for Moral Virtues, Naqd va Nazar, Volume 19, Issue 76, Autumn 2014.
  22. The Nature and Moral Judgment of Spying, an Islamic View, Marifat-i Akhlaqi, An Academic Semiannual on ethical Knowledge, Volume 4, No.2, 2013.


Articles in Theology:

  1. The Levels of Creation as Viewed by Quranic Verses and Traditions, in Journal of Philosophical-Theological Research, Vol. 6, No. 2-3, Winter and Spring, 2005.
  2. The Meaning of Logos in Christian Theology and in Islamic: A Comparative Study, Comparative Theology, University of Isfahan, Vol.1, No.2, Summer, 2010.
  3. A Study and Critique of the «Tark-i Awlà» Approach in Justifying Prophets' Lapses, in the Journal of Philosophical-Theological Research, Vol. 20, No. 76, Summer, 2018.
  4. The Relationship between Reason and Faith, a Quranic Perspective, 3rd International Congress on Philosophy of Religion, Iran, 2012.
  5. Benjamin (2008), in Encyclopedia of Quran, Vol.6, pp. 125-132.
  6. Beit-al-Moqadas (2008), in Encyclopedia of Quran, Vol.6, pp. 398-407.
  7. Paul (2008), in Encyclopedia of Quran, Vol.6, pp. 542-548.
  8. Crucifixion (2010), in Encyclopedia of Quran, Vol.9, pp.566-575.
  9. An Explanation about Sin in the View of Irenaeus / Maryam Khoshdel Rohani / Roghayeh Bigdeli / Hossein Atrak. Ma'rifat-i Adyān, A Quarterly Journal of Religions, Vol.6, No.1, Winter 2015.
  10. A Critical Study of Erich Fromm's View on Causes of Human's Tendency to religion, The Journal of Religious Thoughts, University of Shiraz, 2014.
  11. The Epistemic Justification of Religious Belief from William Alston's Perspective, Fatemeh Bagheri, Hossein Atrak, The Quarterly Journal of Philosophical Meditations, Vol. 4, No.12, Spring and Winter 2014.


Scholarly and Professional Academic Activities and Service

  1. Sabbatical leave, Harvard University, USA (2015 – 2016)
  2. Head of the Department of Philosophy Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran (2013 - 2015) 
  3. Scientific Secretary of the 4th National Congress on Ethics and Life Style, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran (2014).
  4. Scientific Secretary of the 3rd National Congress on Applied Ethics, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran, (2012).
  5. Scientific Secretary of the 2nd National Congress on Sohrawardi's Illumination Philosophy University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran, (2011).
  6. Managing Director of the Philosophical Meditations Journal, published by University of Zanjan, (2010 - present).
  7. Faculty Member, Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran, (2008 - present)


1. The supervisor of Ph.D. dissertation with the title: The Realism or Symbolism of Adam's Story in Quran from Islamic Scholar point of View. Student: Maasume Rostamkhani, University of Zanjan (2014).

2. The supervisor of Ph.D. dissertation with the title: Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism in Language of Quran, A Studying Neo Mu’tazili's view, Khalaf Allah and Al-Jabberi. Student: Parviz Salmani, University of Zanjan (2016).

3. The supervisor of more than 30 M.A. dissertations.

Conference Presentations

1. What is Islam? A Symposium in Memory of Shahab Ahmed, Harvard University, Boylston Hall, April 2016.

2. Harvard-Yale History of Philosophy Conference, Harvard University, 29th April, 2016

3. A Celebrating of Philosophy and Teaching of Tim Scanlon, Harvard University, 30th April, 2016.

4. Pluralism, Public and Private, 6 May 2016, Harvard University.

5. The Relationship between Faith and Reason from Quran's Point of View, The 3th International Conference of Contemporary of Philosophy of Religion, 2013, Iran.

6. Islamic Virtue Ethics, The First National Conference of Islam and Transcendental Values, 2012, Iran.


1. A workshop with the title: "Research Ethics: Plagiarism" at the University of Zanjan, 2017.

2. A workshop with the title: "Professional Ethics" at the University of Zanjan, 2017.

3. A workshop with the title: "The Problem of Evil" at the University of Zanjan, 2016.


Teaching Activities

Ph.D. Courses at University of Zanjan

                        1. Mulla Sadra's Philosophy (The Theory of Resurrection)

                        2. Islamic Kalam (God's agency in the world, Infallibility of prophets)

Graduate Courses Taught at University of Zanjan

1. Islamic Ethics

2. Ethical Theories (Kant's Deontology)

3. Meta Ethics (The Meaning of Good)

4. Applied Ethics (Medical Ethics)

5. Modern Theology (The Problem of Evil)

6. Modern Theology (Faith and Reason)

7. Philosophy of Religion (the Relationship between Islam and Politics)

8. Philosophy of Religion (Soul and Immortality)

9. English Training (Philosophical Texts)

 Undergraduate Courses Taught at University of Zanjan

            1. Moral Philosophy 1

            2. ‌Moral Philosophy 2

3. Modern Theology

4. Kalam 1

5. Kalam 2

6. Islamic Philosophy 1

7. Islamic Philosophy 2

8. Comparative Philosophy (Islamic and Western Philosophy)

9. English Training (Philosophical Texts)

Research Interests


Philosophy of Religion

Honours and Awards

I was rewarded as the best researcher in the field of Humanities in 2016 at the State of Zanjan, Iran.

I got the Reward of the Best Book from The Hawzah Book of the Year in 2016 for my second book: Moderation Theory in Islamic Ethics.

My first book: Kant's Ethical Deontology got the reward of Best Book in field of Western Philosophy from Iran's Book of the Year, the season of summer, 2013.

I got the reward of the best Ph.D. Students' dissertation in the field of Religious Studies in 2009.


  • Language Skills:

Persian: Official Language

Turkish: Native Language

English: Fluent

Arabic: Fluent