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Moharram Eslami

Moharram Eslami
Associate professor

meslami@znu.ac.ir      m_islami@yahoo.com

   0098-(0)21-661   +98 (0) 24 3305 4157
Zanjan,6th km of Tabriz Road, Zanjan University, Facultiy of Humanities, Dep. of Persian Language and literature



1. Teaching experience

I have taught general linguistics, phonetics, phonology, morphology, Persian grammar, History of Persian language, Persian and general English for 32 semesters in BA, MA and PhD levels at University of Zanjan, Sharif University of Technology,University of Tehran, FU Berlin and Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn.


 2.  Research experience

A. About fourteen years of research activity at Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP). There are some research groups in RCISP including Natural Language Processing, Acoustic Signal Processing, Image Processing, and etc at RCISP.  In this research center we have developed various speech and text databases. FARSDAT (First Persian/Farsi speech database) is one of them. European Language Resources Association (ELRA) has been authorized to distribute FARSDAT. FARSDAT attained the prize of the Kharazmi Scientific Festival.

B. I was the manager of the preliminary phase of Text-to-Speech (TTS) Synthesis system named Gooya at Tehran University as I was a PhD Student.

C. I was the manager of the second phase of Gooya at RCISP.

D. From April 2005-July 2007 a guest researcher in Germany, Technical University of Dresden (TUD), Institute for Acoustics and Speech Communication. During my research stay in Germany I was studying on how to generate prosody in our TTS system (Gooya) to enhance the quality of the output speech and also I have developed Persian ToBI (PToBI).

E. Advisor of the research project under the title of "Developing a Morphological Parser for Persian" publicized as PARS MORPH in cooperation with my student Mr. Vahid Mavaji and my colleague Dr Bahram Vazirnezhad at Sharif University of Technology started from September 2010 and will be finalized on September 2012.


2.         Publications


A. Articles


1. Eslami, M. and M. Bijankhan. 1996. “dâdegân-e goftâri-ye zabân-e fârsi (fârsdât): taqti] va barčasbdehi-ye ]âvâyi va vâĵi [“The first Persian speech database (Farsdat): phonetic and phonological segmentation and labeling”], Proceedings of The 3rd Iranian Conference of Linguistics, The University of Allame-ye Tabatabayi, Tehran, Iran.

2. Eslami, M. and et al. 1998. “šenâxt-e marzhâ-ye nahvi-ye ĵomalât-e zabân-e fârsi bâ ]estefâde ]az šabake-ye ]asabi-ye tarkibi” [“Identifying syntactic boundareis in Persian, using hybrid neural network”], Proceedings of 3rd Annual International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC’1998), The University of Elmo-san]at, Tehran, Iran.

3. Eslami, M. and M. Bijankhan. 2000. “ĵâyegâh-e tekye-ye zirobami va naqš-e ]ân dar pardâzeš-e goftâr” [“pitch accent placement and its use in speech processing”], Proceedings of 5th Annual International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC’2000), The University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran, Iran.

4. Eslami, M. and M. Bijankhan. 2001. “]erâ]e-ye yek ]engâre-ye šenâxti ]az vâžegân-e guyešvar-e fârsi” [“A cognitive approach to Persian lexicon”], Proceedings of 1st International conference of cognitive science, The University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

5. Eslami, M. and M. Bijankhan. 2001. “nezâm-e ]âhang-e zabân-e fârsi”  [“Persian intonation system”], Proceedings of 5th Iranian Conference of Linguistics, The University of Allame-ye Tabatabayi, Tehran, Iran.

6. Eslami, M. and M. Bijankhan. 2001. “yek ]engâre-ye šenâxti ]az vâžegân-e zehni” [“A Cognitive Model of Mental Lexicon”], Advances in Cognitive Science, 3rd year, No.1/2, Institute for Cognitive science Studies (ICSS). Tehran, Iran.

7. Eslami, M. 2002. “sâxt-e mâzi-ye naqli dar zabân-e fârsi: barrasi-ye moĵaddad” [“reexamination of present participle structure in Persian”], Proceedings of 1st National Congress on Iranian Studies, Iranology Foundation, Tehran, Iran.

8. Eslami, M. and M. Bijankhan. 2002. “nezâm-e ]âhang-e zabân-e fârsi”  [“Persian intonation system”], Iranian Journal of Linguistics 34:36-61. Iran University Press, Tehran, Iran.

9. Eslami, M. 2002. “došvârihâ-ye pardâzeš-e râyâne]i-ye xatt-e fârsi” [difficulties in automatic processing of Persian orthography], Našr-e Dâneš 102:28-32. Iran University Press, Tehran, Iran.

10. Eslami, M. 2002. “sâxt-e ]ešteqâqi-ye kalame va bâzsâzi-ye goftâr-e fârsi” [“derivational structure of word in Persian and speech synthesis], Memoranda in the Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), Tehran, Iran.

11. Eslami, M. 2003. “nahv va vâĵšenâsi: yek sath-e moštarak” [“syntax-phonology interface”] , Iranian linguistic researches 1. festschrift of Prof. A.A. Sadeghi, Hermes press, Tehran, Iran.  

12. Eslami, M. and M. Bijankhan. 2003. “vâžegozini va vâĵ]ârâ]i”  [“word-formation and phonotactics”], Proceedings of 2th Conference of Word-formation and Terminology, Academy of Persian language and literature, Tehran, Iran.

13. Eslami, M. 2003. “barnâme-ye vâhedsâz-e nahvi”, [first version of Persian syntactic parser”], Memoranda in the Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), Tehran, Iran.

14. Eslami, M. and Z. Ahmadiniya. 2003. “]ebhâmzodâ]i ]az hamnevisehâ dar bâzsâzi-ye goftâr-e fârsi ” [“homograph disambiguation in Persian Text-to-Speech Synthesis Program”], Memoranda in the Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), Tehran, Iran.

15. Eslami, M. and Z. Ahmadiniya. 2003. “]extesârhâ dar bâzsâzi-ye goftâr-e fârsi” [“abbreviations in Persian Speech Synthesis Program”], Memoranda in the Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), Tehran, Iran.

16. Eslami, M. and Z. Ahmadiniya. 2004. “bâzsâzi-ye tarkibhâ-ye ]adadi dar bâzsâzi-ye goftâr-e fârsi” [“synthesizing numbers and numeral combinations in Persian Speech Synthesis Program”], Memoranda in the Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), Tehran, Iran.

17. Eslami, M. , et al. 2004. “tabdil-e matn be goftâr-e fârsi” [“Persian Text-to-Speech Synthesis Program”], Proceedings of The 1st Workshop on Persian Language and Computer, May 26-27 2004, University of Tehran, with the cooperation of  the Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), Tehran, Iran.

18. Eslami, M. 2004. “sâxt-e mâzi-ye naqli dar zabân-e fârsi: barrasi-ye moĵaddad” [“reexamination of present participle structure in Persian”], Iranian linguistic researches 2. Festschrift of Prof. Y.Samareh, Bu Ail Unversity Press, Hamadan, Iran.  

19. Eslami, M., et al. 2004. “vâžegân-e zâyâye zabân-e fârsi” [“Persian generative lexicon”], Proceedings of The 1st Workshop on Persian Language and Computer, May 26-27 2004, University of Tehran, with the cooperation of  the Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), Tehran, Iran.

20. Eslami, M. 2005. “]âvâ va ]âvâšenâsi” [“phone and phonetics”], in Encyclopedia of Persian Language and Literature, vol.1, Academy of Persian Language and Literature, edited by Esma'il Sa'adat, Tehran, Iran.

21. Eslami, M. 2005. Syntactic analysis and prosodic formalization in Gooya, a TTS system for Persian. In R. Vich (Ed.) Electronic Speech Signal Processing, Proceedindgs of the 16th Conferece of Electronic Speech Signal Processing joined with the 15th Czech-German Workshop "Speech Processing". Prague 26-28.09.2005. Studientext zur Sprachkommunikation, Bd 36, 61-67. TUpress.

22. Eslami, M. 2006. PToBI: A phonological system in transcribing the intonation of Persian. In R. Hoffmann (Ed.) Elektroniche Sprachsignal- verarbeiung. Proceedindgs of the 16th Conference of Electronic Speech Signal Processing (ESSV2006), Freiberg 28-30 August 2006. Studientext zur Sprachkommunikation, Bd 42, 45-53, TUpress.

23. Eslami, M. et al. 2007. Conscious word-formation and linguistic competence, Second International Conference on Iranian Linguistics, August 17-19 2007, University of Hamburg, Germany. http://www.linguistik.uni-kiel.de/icil2/index.htm 

24. Eslami, M. 2007. Persian orthography and modern challenges, ECIS6 (Proceedings of 6th European Conference of Iranian Studies),

Vienna September 18 - 22, 2007.

25. Eslami, M. 2007. “tekye” [“stress”], Encyclopedia of Persian Language and Literature, vol.2, Academy of Persian Language and Literature, edited by Esma'il Sa'adat, Tehran, Iran.

26. Eslami, M. 2007. “xatt-e farsi va rasanehâye goruhi” [“Persian orthography and mass media”], Biannual Journal of signal and data processing, Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), No.2, serial No. 8, Tehran, Iran.

27. Eslami, M. 2008. A system for transcribing prosodic properties of Persian, First Conference on New Technologies and Persian Language, Kordestan University, Iran.

28. Eslami, M. 2009. Phonotactics and word-formation, Biannual Journal of signal and data processing, Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), No.1, serial No. 9, Tehran, Iran.

29. Eslami, M. 2009. Stress in Persian, first conference of Persian language and linguistics, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran.

30. Eslami, M. and S. Alizadeh L. 2009. Inflectional structure of word in Persian,  Journal of Literature and Humanities, serial No. 211, Tabriz University, Iran.

31. Eslami, M. 2009. Stress in Persian, Biannual Journal of signal and data processing, Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), No.1, serial No. 11, Tehran, Iran.

32. Eslami, M. et al. 2010. The phases and the way of developing speech databases in Text-to-Speech synthesis systems, Biannual Journal of signal and data processing, Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP) Tehran, Iran.

33. Damadi Mir Saeed, Bahram ZahirAzami, Moharram Eslami. 2010. “Prosody generation in TTS system for Azeri”, ASM 2010, Montreal, Canada.

34. Eslami, M., et al. 2010. “vâžegân-e zâyâye zabân-e fârsi” [“Persian generative lexicon”], Persian Language and Computer, vol.1, edited by Dr H. Sameti and Dr M. Bijankhan, SAMT Publication, Tehran, Iran.

35. Eslami, M., et al. 2010. “tabdil-e matn be goftâr-e fârsi” [“Persian Text-to-Speech Synthesis Program”], Persian Language and Computer, vol.2, edited by Dr H. Sameti and Dr M. Bijankhan, SAMT Publication, Tehran, Iran.

36. Eslami, M., et al. 2010. “dâdegân-e goftâri-ye zabân-e fârsi (fârsdât): [“Persian speech database (Fasrsdat) Persian Language and Computer, vol.1, edited by Dr H. Sameti and Dr M. Bijankhan, SAMT Publication, Tehran, Iran.

37. Eslami, M. 2011. Structure of Noun Phrase in Persian. Iranian Linguistic Studies 3, festschrift of Prof. A. Najafi, Niloofar Press, Tehran, Iran.  

38. Eslami, M. et al. 2011. Terminology and Linguistic Knowledge (accepted) Name-e Farhangestan, Tehran, Iran.

39. Eslami, M. et al. 2011. Historical development of derivational morphemes in Persian, 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, July 25- 30, 2011, Osaka, Japan.


     40. Eslami, M. and Moslem Ahmadvand. 2011. A biolinguistic approach to clausal gerunds and TP-defective gerunds in second language syntax, 4th International Conference of Cognitive Science (ICCS 2011), Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 32 (2012) 246 – 251, © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd.  

    41. Mavaji, Vahid. Moharram Eslami. Bahram Vazirnezhad. 2012. PARS MORPH: implementing and developing Persian morphological analyzer. Biannual Journal of signal and data processing, Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), No.1, serial No. 15, Tehran, Iran.

    42. Rahimi. Afshin, Bahram Vazirnezhad, Moharram Eslami. 2012. Sonority distribution in syllable boundary consonant clusters in Persian, Proceedings of 2nd conference on computational linguistics, compiled by Dr. Parvaneh Khosravizadeh, Linguistic Society of Iran, Tehran.

    43. Eslami, M. and S. Alizadeh L. 2012. Historical development of free morphemes into derivational affixes in Persian, 6th International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, Jena, Germany.


    44. Mavaji, Vahid. Moharram Eslami. 2012.  Text to phoneme conversion using the Persian Morphological Parser PARS MORPH, Proceedings of The First Conference on Persian Language Processing, University of Semnan, Iran.


    45. Mavaji, Vahid. Moharram Eslami. 2013. A comparative study of phonetic structure of formal and colloquial Persian. Quarterly Pazand, The Scientific Journal of Language, Vol. 8, No.30, Autumn 2012.

    46. Mavaji, Vahid. Moharram Eslami. 2013. Statistical study of historical development in productivity of derivative morphemes in Persian verse. 8th Conference of Iranian Linguistics, February 12 and 13, 2013, Allame-Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran.

    47. Mavaji, Vahid, Moharram Eslami. 2013. Automatic recognition of prosodic meter in Persian classical verse, 2nd National conference on Farsi language teaching and linguistics, 15-16 May 2013, Shiraz, Iran. http://www.linguisticsconference.ir/fa/

    48. Jafary, Narges. Farhad Torabinezhad, Moharram Eslami, et.al. 2013. Comparing the formant frequencies of three Persian long vowels produced by cochlear-implanted and normal-hearing children, Bimonthly Journal Research of Rehabilitation Sciences (JRRS), 8th year, No. 6.

    49. Alizadeh, Sedigheh and Moharram Eslami. 2013. Historical development of complex words into simple words in Persian, Fifth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL5), 24th – 26th August 2013, Department of General Linguistics, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.

    50. Jamshidlou, Paria, Niloofar Keshtiari, Moharram Esalmi and Mohammad Bahrani.2013. Acoustic Representation of Intonational Elements in Persian Emotional Speech, Fifth International Conference on Iranian Linguistics (ICIL5), 24th – 26th August 2013, Department of General Linguistics, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany.

    51. Ghasemi. Mohammad, Moharram Eslami. 2013. Semantic analysis of Porandisheh in Shahnameh of Ferdousi, 8th International conference of Iranian Society for Promotion of Persian Language and literature, 4-6 Sept. 2013, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran.

    52 Shakuri Birun. Maryam, Jamileh Akhyani and Moharram Eslami. 2014. Stylistics of morphological features of the prose of Bayhaqi History and its comparisons with contemporary Persian, Journal of Comparative Linguistic Researches, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran. http://rjhll.basu.ac.ir/?_action=article&vol=81

    53. Soltanyadeh. Fatemeh, Mohammad Bahrani, Moharram Eslami. 2014. Automatic extraction of generative syntactic database using a database based on dependency grammar, Proceedings of the 2nd national Conference on syntax and typology, 27 February 2014, Linguistics Society of Iran, Tehran, Iran.

    54. Keshtiari. Niloofar,  Michael Kuhlmann, Moharram Eslami & Gisela Klann-Delius. 2014. Recognizing emotional speech in Persian: Avalidated database of Persian emotional speech (Persian ESD), Behavior Research Methods, May 2014.

    55. Rahimi. Afshin, Bahram Vazirnezhad, Moharram Eslami. 2014. P-Analysis: Dispersion and Neutralization of Acoustic Cognitive Cues in lexicon of standard Persian. Advances in Cognitive Science, Vol. 16, No. 2, 2014, Tehran, Iran.

    56. Rahimi. Afshin, Bahram Vazirnezhad, Moharram Eslami. 2014. Sonority Sequencing Principle in Persian, Biannual Journal of signal and data processing, Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing (RCISP), No.1, serial No. 21, Tehran, Iran.

    57. Paria. Jamshidlou, Moharram Eslami, Mohammad Bahrani. 2014. Automatic labeling of prosodic features in Persian sentences using syntactic model, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computational Linguistics, 19-20 November 2014, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN.

    58. Soltanyadeh. Fatemeh, Mohammad Bahrani, Moharram Eslami. 2014. Sharif Treebank: syntactic tree database of Persian sonstitiutional structure, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computational Linguistics, 19-20 November 2014, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN.

    59. Hoseinnezhad. Shadi, Ensiyeh Hemmatan, Moharram Eslami. 2014. Analysis of the internal structure of Synthetic compound and  Parasynthetic compounds in Persian, Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computational Linguistics, 19-20 November 2014, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN.

    60. Eslami Moharram, Afshin Rahimi, Sudabeh Eslami. 2015. Phonostatistics of Persian phonological system, Language and Linguistics, Journal of Linguistics Society of Iran, Volume 9, Issue 18, Autumn 2013 (delay in publication), Page 65-89.


    61. Khosravizadeh Parvaneh, Zahra Kowsarifard, Moharram Eslami. 2015. PREPOSITION SEMANTIC ANALYSIS VIA PERSIAN TEXT CORPUS, Journal of Language and Literature, ISSN: 2078-0303, Vol. 6. No. 2. Iss.1, May, 2015.

    62. Kowsarifard Zahra, Parvaneh Khosravizadeh, Moharram Eslami. 2015. Semantic domain of proposition, Proceedings of the First national Conference on Corpus Linguistics, edited by Azadeh Mirzayi, pp.121-131, Tehran, Iran.

    63.   Rahimi Afshin, Moharram Eslami and Bahram Vazinezhad. 2016.  Sonority dispersion of two consonant clusters in syllable boundary position in Persian, Quarterly Journal of Language Research, Issue 17, pp. 7-27, Tehran, Iran.

    64. Soltanzadeh Fatemeh, Mohammad Bahrani and Moharram Eslami. 2016. A Rule-Based Approach in Converting a Dependency Parse Tree into Phrase Structure Parse Tree for Persian, Quarterly Journal of Signal and Data Processing, Issue 26, pp. 95-115, Research Center of Intelligent Signal Processing.

    65. Eslami, Moharram. 2016, Persian script and modern requirements, Festschrift of Prof. Kourosh Safavi, edited by Prof. Mehrdad Naghzy Kohan and Prof. Mohammad Rasekh Mahand, pp.49-64, Siyahrud Press, Tehran.

    66. Shokufegi, Hamed and Moharram Eslami. 2016. Historical development of syntactic structures into new lexemes in Persian, Biannual Journal of Persian Language Teaching,  Issue 1, pp. 82-99, Qom, Iran.

    67. Eshghi Marziyeh and Moharram Eslami. 2016. Gender-based variation in the phonetic representation of boundary tones in Persian declarative and interrogative utterances, JOURNAL OF THE ACOUSTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA, Issue 139, USA.

    68. Shojayi Raziyeh, Moharram Eslami and Mahmoud Bijankhan. 2017. Word and Phrase Stress in Persian Language Optimality Theory, Language and Linguistics, Journal of Linguistics Society of Iran, Volume 12, Issue 24, Page 1-20. http://lsi-linguistics.ihcs.ac.ir/article_2466.html.

    69. Eslami Moharram. 2017. Linguistic evidence in distinction between clitics and inflectional morphemes in Persian, Festschrift of Prof. Mohammad Dabirmoghaddam, edited by Dr. Mohammad Reza Razavi and Dr. Marziyeh Sana’ati, pp. 107-118, Ketab Bahar Press, Tehran, Iran.

 B. Book


1. Eslami, M. 2005. vâĵšenâsi: tahlil-e nezame ahang-e zaban farsi  [Phonology: Analysis of the Persian Intonation System], SAMT Publication, Tehran, Iran.

2. Eslami, M. 2011. vâĵšenâsi: tahlil-e nezame ahang-e zaban farsi  [Phonology: Analysis of the Persian Intonation System], second edtion, SAMT Publication, Tehran, Iran.

3. Eslami, M. 2012. Golestan-e Javidan. Nashr-e Ghqsed. Tehran, Iran.


C. Review

Eslami, M. 2002. “naqd-e čâp-e dovvom-e navâ-ye goftâr dar fârsi” [“review of second edition of Persian prosody”], Iranian Journal of Linguistics 34:133-136. Iran University Press, Tehran, Iran.


D. Scientific Talks

1. Linguistics and natural language Processing, 2002. The Conference of language and linguistics, Azad University of Hamedan, Hamedan, Iran.

2. Persian Text to Speech Synthesis system. 2006. Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication, Technical University of Dresden, Germany.

3. Die Statistik spricht in der Sprache mit, 2007, Institute of Acoustics and Speech Communication, Technical University of Dresden, Germany.

   4. Aspects of intonation and stress (in Persian). 2011. Summer School, Iranian Linguistics, August, 15th, - September 2nd, 2011, Department of Iranian Studies, Hamburg University, Germany.



E. Translation

Translating more than 10 articles from English into Persian in the fields of language, linguistics and adult literacy published in the academic journals.